This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I give it an 8.8/10 and I'll certainly play the Iceborne expansion. The Elder Dragons were by far the best bosses/monsters in the game, incredible monster design and amazing fight and blasts! The multiplayer also gets interesting when fighting huge monsters like them. After 45h I finished the game and the elder dragons. I tried with light bowgun and it worked for me pretty well (of course after some reading and tips on this gun).

After a few months, watching other players playing with a light bow gun, I remembered how fun it was playing in distance with HZD. I started playing with a Katana, and even gave up on the game after meeting the Anjanatah. It's a huge RPG full of details, plenty of missions. Despite some similarities, MHW is a unique game. I've came from a few similar RPGs, mostly also played on PS4: Horizon Zero Dawn, Dark Souls, Final Fantasy XV. I've came from a few similar RPGs, mostly also played on PS4: Horizon Zero Dawn, Dark Souls, Final This is my first Monster Hunter game.